Screen Color Picker2.0

Screen Color Picker is a simple tool that lets you pick and retrieve data (HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSB, HSL) of any color on the screen.

On program start, it will automatically move itself to the system tray.

To pick a color from screen, just press the color pick hotkey (F8 by default). The color will be automatically copied to the clipboard. The output string to be copied can be defined in the settings.

To open the settings window, click on the tray icon to see the program’s menu, and then press Settings.

Use the wildcards given in the settings window to set the clipboard output string. Make sure to delimit each wildcard with a pipe | to bypass output glitches. For example, if you want to ouput a RGB color, write “%R, %G, %B”.

You can edit the last picked color either by clicking on the tray icon and then Edit last pick, or just click on the color pick window that will show up on pick. The edited color will be automatically copied to clipboard after you close the color dialogue.

Known Issues
  • On systems with high-dpi scaling enabled you might experience a blurry or incorrectly scaled GUI and other scaling issues that might lead to an offset in recorded coordinates and a wrongly shown color at cursor position. To fix this on Windows 10 or higher: Close the program, right click on the executable, select Properties, click the Compatibility tab, click Change High DPI Settings, check Override high DPI scaling behavior, set the drop-down selection to Application, click OK or Apply, then restart the program. If it still doesn't work, try setting your system's dpi scaling back to 100% (please google on how to perform that on your Windows version).
Screen Color Picker
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