Counter-Strike Ultra Launcher1.7

A powerful program, which can launch Counter-Strike 1.6 (or Counter-Strike: Condition Zero), import, export, backup and restore config files, menus, favorites lists and spray tags.

Because several servers change the user’s config files, menus and spray tags the way they want, someday, you would have to reconfigure all of your settings, and probably reinstall the game multiple times.

To avoid all of this, we can use this tool. It basically copies all the files (configs, menus, sprays) to a certain place, and replaces them in the game if you press the restore buttons in the launcher.

The launcher can be configured in a way so that it automatically restores all files at start and launches the game afterwards.

On the first run of the program, a few preparations must be made. First, customize all your configs, menus and spray tags the way you want. Then open this launcher, go to the options and backup everything.

From then on, you will have to launch your game through this launcher. Next time you open the launcher, you will just have to press Restore config, menu, spray to restore everything to its previous state.

If you would like to change one of your files in the future, you may restore it to its previous state, then change it, and backup the file again.

Example of the Launch settings tab:

Example of the Web tab:

Example of the Config tab:

Example of the Menu tab:

Example of the Spray tab:

Example of the Favorites tab:

This program may have to be launched as administrator for proper function.

  • Easy setup wizard
  • Automatic restore of configs, menus and sprays
  • Regular favorites backup function
  • Automatic launch of Counter-Strike on program start
  • Option to launch another program with Counter-Strike
  • Option to change launch parameters
  • Option to use own launcher
  • 6 Websites to show up
  • Import / Export / Restore / Backup / Reset functions
  • Works with Counter-Strike 1.6 & Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
Counter-Strike Ultra Launcher
Download 1.7